A little Stonehenge humor

I just saw this link on Facebook (thanks, Claire!) and I couldn't resist passing it along.

Ikea Stonehenge infographic

I thought it was hilarious. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I love browsing IKEA. One of the only two stores in TX is a mere 15 minutes from my driveway and up I-35. This is amuZing.

I've a photo of me lying on the sacrificial stone at Stonehenge.....just like Tess. Got there prior closing to the general public!


Karen Henry said...


You're lucky to have been able to get such a close-up look at Stonehenge! I would love to visit there some day.

I don't have an IKEA store near where I live, but I've been to them before, in other places. And I have certainly done my share of assembling bookcases and things like that from instructions that looked like this. :-)


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