Poll results

Here are the results of the December poll:

What is your favorite gift from Diana Gabaldon's books?
  • 24.92% - Claire's silver wedding ring
  • 12.04% - The medicine box Jamie gave Claire for their anniversary
  • 11.71% - Adso the kitten
  • 11.37% - Fergus's last name
  • 10.37% - The cherrywood snake Jamie's brother made for him
  • 10.20% - The pearl necklace Jamie gave Claire on their wedding day.
  • 5.18% - The poison ivy bouquet
  • 3.85% - Hugh Munro's dragonfly in amber
  • 3.51% - The rosary Jamie gave Willie as a farewell gift
  • 1.34% - The boar's-tusk bracelets
  • 1.00% - The dachshund puppy Stephan gave to Lord John
  • 0.84% - The sapphire ring Lord John got from his first lover, Hector
  • 0.84% - Brianna's bracelet
  • 2.84% - Other
Here are the results for "Other":
  • ALL of the above!!!!!
  • The skin of the Wolf she killed
  • Claire's ring, posion ivy bouquet, cherrywood snake, adso, thr medicine box
  • The photos of Bree that Claire brought Jamie and the miniature that LJG gave Jam
  • Claire's wedding ring, after she finds the enscription
  • the medecine box Lord John gave Claire
  • The medicine box (Jaime GETS Claire), and Adso (so sweet!).
  • All of the above. :)
  • The "J" on her palm...he's marked her for life and it sustained her for 20 years
  • Brianna. The gift Jamie gave to Claire who gave her back to Jamie..
  • This time I can't pick - all are heartfelt and special.
  • Too many have such special meaning to the story that I can't choose
  • Just can't chose one...they are all meaningful!!
  • the rosary Jamie gave Willie AND Claire's silver wedding ring !
  • Can't choose between Claire's wedding ring and Fergus's last name!
  • I can't choose just one, all are special in their own way!
There were 598 votes in this poll. Thanks very much to everyone who participated! I didn't vote in the poll, but I would have chosen Claire's ring as my favorite.

Please take a moment to vote in this month's poll, which is all about how you discovered Diana Gabaldon's books. Thanks, and Happy New Year to all of you!


Anonymous said...

Used book store. It was in the time travel section and I was going thru a phase

Phyllis Halbert-Goats said...

I found "Outlander" after it came out in paper back in the book section at Wal-Mart. It's the only one that I don't have a first edition hard back copy of, sadly.

Carol said...

My sister gave me my first copy. I spent the rest of of that spring immersed in all things "Outlandish" reading all the books published to that point. Now, alas, I have to wait like everyone else.

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