What have you learned?

As I put together my Friday Fun Facts posts each week, I can't help thinking about the incredible wealth of detail in these books (historical, medical, zoological, botanical, cultural, you-name-it, the list goes on and on and on....), and I thought I'd ask everyone here:

Of all the things you've learned from reading Diana Gabaldon's books, what are some of your favorites?

That's an open-ended question on purpose, because I'm hoping it will generate some discussion. <g> It could be an obscure bit of historical trivia (like the hanged-man's grease from DRAGONFLY IN AMBER), or a strange-but-true fact about animal or plant life mentioned in the books, or something about the history of 18th century Scotland or North Carolina that particularly caught your interest. What I'm looking for are things you didn't know before you read the books, or maybe things/places/people/events you first encountered in Diana's books that you've been inspired to learn more about.

For myself, I think I'll let my Friday Fun Facts index speak for me. <g> Nearly 300 items on the list already, and the vast majority of them are things I did not know before I read Diana's books.

What about the rest of you?


Michelle said...

My Scottish ancestors settled first in Virginia and then in North Carolina in the 1700s. The details of daily life for the rural settlers of that time were of great interest to me.

Trudy said...

My maiden name is Munro....my grandfather's brother's name is Hugh....so Hugh Munro is a favorite charactor and I love the fact that Dragonfly in Amber is because of a gift from Hugh Munro....so one of the things I learned were gaberlunzies....the badge that shows authorization to beg, never heard of such a thing before.

Anonymous said...

I've been pleased to learn so much about pre-Revolutionary War times in North Carolina.

Anonymous said...

Dear Karen,

I have learned so much from these books that it's difficult to pick one thing. I guess it would have to be what happened at the battle of Culloden in 1745 which, before reading these books, I did not know even occurred. Learning more about pre-Revolutionary times was also very eye opening and interesting. These books have also helped me to answer questions while watching Jeopardy!!!!

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