October poll results
- 47.02% - Episode 107: "The Wedding"
- 34.78% - I love them all!
- 4.59% - I don't have STARZ, or the TV series isn't yet available where I live.
- 4.30% - Episode 108: "Both Sides Now"
- 1.89% - Episode 106: "The Garrison Commander"
- 1.44% - Episode 104: "The Gathering"
- 1.36% - Episode 101: "Sassenach"
- 1.18% - Episode 105: "Rent"
- 0.97% - I don't have a favorite.
- 0.87% - Episode 103: "The Way Out"
- 0.84% - Episode 102: "Castle Leoch"
- 0.76% - Other
- Love #'s 1 and 8
- I love them all except for The Garrison Commander
- My heart leaps so, at the song and the intro to each episode!!
- all but Garrison commander
- Can hardly wait for DVDs to be available
- No I cannot watch it
- difficult, 107 and 108 probably
- Can I buy a CD of Outlander series?
- waiting for dvds
- Very poor attempt to adapt the book
- Love the books and was excited for the tv series BUT...too many commercials!
- episode1,7, and 8
- Loved them all equally
- I don't like any of the episodes but I love the books!
- 103 & 107 love them both
- I don't have Starz, waiting for DVD
- It's a tie between 107 and 108! Getting better with every episode.
- Garrison Commander/Wedding
- 102, 106, 107, & 108.
- beautifully done! thank you
- After finishing book 1 I'll start watching the series!
- Least Favorite: "The Garrison Commander"
- I'm saving myself for the DVD
- 1 as it's the only one I've seen. No cable.
- Two favourites! 107 (The Wedding) and 108.
- Don't have STARZ but hoping the DVDs will be released soon.

There were 3813 responses to this poll, which is a new record! Thanks very much to everyone who participated.
Please take a moment to vote in the November poll, which asks the question, "Which of Diana Gabaldon's books are you currently reading or listening to?" Thanks!