Walkers Shortbread Castle Leoch

This model of OUTLANDER's Castle Leoch was built with more than 1500 shortbread cookies from the Walkers Shortbread OUTLANDER Assortment.

Isn't that amazing?? Click on the photos to enlarge them.

Here's a time-lapse video showing how it was made.

I can't even imagine how long this took to put together. Very impressive!


Unknown said...

It is really nice, but I could never have finished it; I would have eaten too many cookies!

Mary Tormey said...

Hi Karen , wow! this is very beautiful. they must have been working on this for hours . I love Walkers Shortbread , I have boxes of them around the house and give them to friends during the holiday season .Thanks for sharing this and Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to you . Sincerely Yours . Mary Tormey.

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