Season 3 filming in Edinburgh!

Matt Roberts (one of the OUTLANDER writers, and a huge book fan!) tweeted the above photo a few days ago. Remember, 18th-century type was set backwards. <g>
* * * SPOILERS for Season 3 below * * *
If you haven't read Diana Gabaldon's VOYAGER (Book 3 of the OUTLANDER series), read at your own risk!
Here's an article with some behind-the-scenes photos of the filming of OUTLANDER Season 3 in Edinburgh. (Still photos only, no video. But we get our first look at older Jamie in these photos!)
As I understand it, they have one more block of episodes to finish in Scotland, and then the whole production will move to South Africa, to film the seagoing scenes and the rest of Jamie and Claire's adventures in the Caribbean.
Why South Africa? Because that's where the STARZ show BLACK SAILS has been filming for the past four years. BLACK SAILS is about to air its final season on STARZ, and presumably the OUTLANDER production team can save a lot of money by re-using the ships and some of the sets.
No, we still don't have any idea when OUTLANDER Season 3 will premiere! As soon as I hear anything official, I'll post here.