Most suspenseful moments in the OUTLANDER books
Here are a few examples of what I mean.
* * * SPOILER WARNING!! * * *
If you haven't read all 8 of the OUTLANDER books, there are Major Spoilers below! Read at your own risk.
OUTLANDER - The last part of the witch-trial, up to and including Jamie's "cavalry coming over the hill in the nick of time" entrance. Also Claire vs. the wolf.
DRAGONFLY IN AMBER - The duel and the miscarriage.
VOYAGER - Claire on the Porpoise as it begins to sail away, trapping her on a plague ship against her will, with no way to get back to Jamie.
DRUMS OF AUTUMN - The scene on the Gloriana where they throw the sick passengers overboard. Also Roger's first encounter with Jamie.
THE FIERY CROSS - Roger's hanging (of course). Jamie's snakebite.
A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES - The scene in the middle of the abduction where Claire nearly suffocates, and has to find a way to breathe, despite the gag and her broken nose.
AN ECHO IN THE BONE - William, Rachel, and Denny facing an ax-wielding maniac. Also, Mandy waking in the middle of the night, yelling, "He's gone! He's GONE!"
WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD - Claire getting shot. Also the scene with Bree battling the intruders at Lallybroch.
What about the rest of you? I'm sure you can think of lots more! <g>
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