How long have you been reading Diana Gabaldon's books?

The topic for my November poll is, "How long have you been reading Diana Gabaldon's books?"
Please take a moment to vote, and feel free to leave a comment here or on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page to explain your choice, or tell the story of how you found the books.
I discovered OUTLANDER in November 2006, so it's been almost 12 years for me. (You can see the story of how I found the books here.) What about the rest of you?
I started with Dragonfly, then read Outlander and understood everything!!!
Fast forward a couple months, I was in Maine keeping Christmas with my middle sister and looking for a big book to read. Right after the new year, I would sell my car and be on a long flight to Europe where I would spend 11 months of 1994 with a backpack, a couple Eurail passes and tickets-accommodations for the Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway. I found Outlander in a used book shop and, having recently learned a bit about the beauty of the Highlands from descendants of those who were forced out, I was keen to learn more. That book was incredible and began my never ending love affair with Jamie and Claire!
Several months into 1995, having returned from my big adventure, I bought Outlander, Dragonfly in Amber and Voyager all in hardcover. I was so thankful that I already had Voyager for "a wee keek" when I first dove into Dragonfly!