April poll results

Here are the results of the April poll, which asked the question, "What is your favorite episode of OUTLANDER Season 4?"
- 33.09% - EP409: "The Birds and the Bees"
- 25.60% - EP406: "Blood of My Blood"
- 14.01% - EP413: "Man of Worth"
- 6.28% - EP408: "Wilmington"
- 4.35% - EP412: "Providence"
- 2.17% - EP405: "Savages"
- 1.93% - EP407: "Down the Rabbit Hole"
- 1.69% - EP403: "The False Bride"
- 1.21% - EP401: "America the Beautiful"
- 0.97% - EP410: "The Deep Heart's Core"
- 0.97% - EP411: "If Not For Hope"
- 0.24% - EP404: "Common Ground"
- 0.00% - EP402: "Do No Harm"
- 7.49% - I haven't watched OUTLANDER Season 4.
Please take a moment to vote in the May poll, which asks, "Which of Diana Gabaldon's books are you currently reading or listening to?"