Looking for Season 7B discussions? Check out TheLitForum!

Looking for a place to discuss OUTLANDER Season 7B with other fans? Check out TheLitForum.com! Formerly known as the Compuserve Books and Writers Community, this forum, in its various incarnations, has been Diana Gabaldon's main online hangout for more than 35 years. (It's where she posted the very first excerpts of what would become OUTLANDER, back in 1988.) Diana is on the forum most days, except when she's traveling, and she responds to comments and questions as time permits. I've been managing the discussions (aka "herding the bumblebees") in Diana's section of the forum since 2008.
TheLitForum.com is a community of readers, writers, book-lovers, and fans of All Things OUTLANDER, and we invite you to come and join the discussions!
You definitely don't have to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the books in order to post there. Everyone is welcome, whether you've been reading the books for 30+ years or you just discovered OUTLANDER recently as a result of the TV series. We'd love to hear what you think of Season 7B!

Please come and check out the forum at https://thelitforum.com. You'll need to sign up in order to read or post on the forum, but it's free. When you enter the forum, you'll see a list of the different sections. Scroll down until you see the Diana Gabaldon section. You'll find the Season 7B discussions there, along with many other OUTLANDER-related topics. Be sure to take the time to read this important message, which explains the spoiler policy for Season 7B discussions and how those discussions will be organized.
If you love Diana Gabaldon's books but you're not a fan of the TV show, no problem! We love to discuss and speculate about any aspect of the books.
When you visit the forum, we encourage you to check out the other sections, too! TheLitForum.com is much more than just a place to talk about All Things OUTLANDER. If you're a writer or an aspiring writer, the forum is a great resource for feedback on your writing, advice on how to write a query letter, answers to obscure research questions, and much more! Take a look around and jump into any discussion that interests you, or start a new one.
If you have questions after you've signed up, please post on the forum (rather than leaving a comment here), and we'll do our best to try to help. Hope to see some of you there soon!