Culloden anniversary

Today is the 266th anniversary of the Battle of Culloden, which took place on April 16, 1746.

I like this video, which someone sent me a few years ago when I was just starting this blog.

Of course I can't let a mention of Culloden pass without noting that Jamie Fraser was there as well:
"Ye looked fair wild, man, for there was blood runnin' doon your face and your hair was loose on the wind. Ye'd sheathed your sword to carry me, but ye pulled it again as ye turned away. I didna think I should see ye again, for if ever I saw a man set to meet his death..."

He shook his head, his eyes half-closed, as though he saw not the sober, stalwart man before him, not the Fraser of Fraser's Ridge--but Red Jamie, the young warrior who had not gone back from gallantry, but because he sought to throw his life away, feeling it a burden--because he had lost me.

(From THE FIERY CROSS by Diana Gabaldon, chapter 7, "Shrapnel". Copyright© 2001 by Diana Gabaldon. All rights reserved.)
Here's the link to the Culloden Battlefield site in Scotland. Diana was there in 2008 to attend the dedication of their new Visitor's Centre. Go here and here to read her impressions of that visit. Some of you may already have seen these posts on Diana's blog or on Compuserve, but if you haven't read them before, I would really encourage you to do so.  Nothing like reading a firsthand description of what the area looks like, in Diana's own words.

I'm looking forward to seeing Culloden for myself when I go to Scotland in July. I'm sure it will be a very moving experience.

1 comment

Christiane Kypreos said...

Hello Karen, the video is wonderful,thanks for sharing (I think I saw it once before) I was sure you were going to post something today April,16th!! I learnt the song words by heart,love it! greetings from Paris.

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