FIERY CROSS in Audible's Tournament, Round 3

Diana Gabaldon's THE FIERY CROSS won Round 2 of's Tournament of Audiobooks, 55%-45% over THE WISE MAN'S FEAR, out of a total of 6346 votes cast.

Voting in Round 3 of the tournament has now started. There are only eight books left now, and the competition is heating up! This round pits THE FIERY CROSS against A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES by Deborah Harkness. (I haven't read A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES yet, but I've heard a wide range of opinions about it, both pro and con. <g>)

From the voting page:
In every single contest last week, the votes were in the thousands. I like the participation and ferocity of the fans, and the turnout has been tremendous. And then there was Gabaldon. Her matchup alone brought in more than 6,000 votes to crush a #1 seed. So how does Witches, coming off a 4-point win, look against the competition?

Prediction: Witches discovers what it’s like to feel the heat; Diana 61-39.
Everybody please take a moment to vote! Third round voting ends April 9th.  Thanks!

[UPDATE 4/9/2012 12:20 pm: THE FIERY CROSS has won Round 3, 67% - 33%. The semi-finals start on April 10.]


Cathy Wessels said...

I loved Discovery of Witches and so has everyone I've recommended it to. But, I love Diana more :-) Voted for THC.

Karen Henry said...

I haven't read ADOW yet, but I know a lot of people who have. I think this might be a tough choice for some of those readers. Glad you voted for Diana, though. :-)


French Becky said...

Just voted and it is 73% to 27% in favor of The Fiery Cross! Thanks for reminding me about the new round of voting.

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