Poll results
- 34.31% - Of course, if Jamie Fraser was waiting for me!
- 19.51% - Maybe for a short visit, but not to live there permanently.
- 13.38% - Yes! I'd love to see the 18th century.
- 8.01% - Yes, but I'd have to bring some essential items with me.
- 5.61% - No. I like reading about it, but I have no desire to time-travel myself.
- 5.51% - No, I couldn't leave my family and friends here.
- 3.35% - No, I'd miss the conveniences of modern life too much.
- 3.30% - No, I wouldn't survive in an earlier time.
- 1.93% - No, it took a lot of hard work to live in the 18th century.
- 1.70% - I'm not sure.
- 0.85% - I don't believe time-travel is possible.
- 0.28% - No, it sounds too dangerous.
- 2.26% - Other
- Yes if I could bring my family and soap and herb guide
- I'm much too assertive to be able to blend in an earlier time !
- Yes, if a return trip was possible.
- yes--i'd love to see my fathers home and my heritage. my father was James Fraser
- I am far too accustomed to AC and indoor plumbing; I'd never make it.
- no, times were rough for black folk, we're barely making it in 2014!
- Only if I could go forward!
- Yes, but only if I can go to American 1890's
- Yes, but only if I could bring a friend!
- I would love to but am on medication I can not live without.
- scotland fascinates me
- No. My love is here. :>)
- No, what would they do with a deaf person?
- Yes, but I'd prefer if my husband could travel in time with me.
- No being burnt at the stake does not thrill me
- I would if I could go back and forth easily
- no. I am finally going to be a grandmother and don't want to miss the baby!
- Only if my son could go with me!
- Yes but I'd have to bring my glasses.
- Is young Ian on the other side?
- If I were 40 yrs younger, I'd be bullet - proof. So yes, I'd go.
- No, due to my astigmatisim/nearsightedness, I would not be able to see anything.
- I'd go, but I wouldn't survive!
- yes, bringing medicines with me, and only if I could come back1
- Only if I could take all my Outlander books with me
- yes, no hesitation
- Yes to meet Jamie and Claire and come right back.
- if all my family could come
- medication I need to survive wasn't available back then...
- I'm black, wish I could but it'd be a terrible idea.
- I am to old for that period of time.
- If I get to choose when.
- can i take my dentist?
- Yes, if my kidney transplant would continue without the meds:(
- I am too old for all that adventure and horse riding!
- I'd love to, but I really consider 65 too old for that kind of change
- Only if I were Claire
- Only If I could choose the time period and go back & forth at will without harm
- Only in my mind when reading about it, I am when and where I belong.
- I'd like to, I'd be burned as a witch to outspoken
- Only if my husband was there waiting for me !
- I'll go wherever I'm needed.
- YES! But I would bring my family. All 3 of my men would fit in just fine!
- Absolutey - If my kids were grown!
- Yes, but 1890 in America!
- Yes, if I could visit each of the periods I love and come back each time.
- Yes - if I was sure I could get back.
- If my husband was on the other side.
Please take a moment to vote in the September poll, which is all about visiting Scotland.
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