Here's the official video of the panel discussion.
Here's the Season 1 gag reel mentioned in the video.
We didn't get any new information about Season 2 casting at today's event, but we did get a few intriguing bits of news:
a) The DVD and Blu-ray of the 2nd half of OUTLANDER Season 1 (covering episodes 109-116) will be released on September 29, 2015! You can pre-order on Amazon here.
b) Diana Gabaldon will be writing a script for Season 2! She mentioned on Facebook that it will be Episode 211. (I have no further details at this time, but I'll post more information as it becomes available.)
c) Diana said,
The next book probably is not the last book, but I won't know 'til I finish the one I'm writing.So it sounds like she is not ruling out the possibility of a Book 10 (!!), but please keep in mind that Diana is still in the early stages of writing Book 9, so nothing is set in stone at this point.

Fuirich agus chi thu! (That's "wait and see" in Gaelic, one of Diana's favorite phrases.)
Cornish Cousin Leslie