Friday Fun Facts Subject Index

This is an index of all items that have appeared in my Friday Fun Facts posts since January 27, 2012, grouped by subject. Click on one of the links below to go to the list of Friday Fun Facts that refer to that subject.
- 18th century shoe buckles
- Arisaid
- Banyan
- Beauty marks
- Corset busk
- Fans in the 18th century
- Hairstyle with sailing ship
- Jabot
- Leading strings
- Men's wigs in the 18th century
- Mobcaps
- Pockets
- Polonaise gown
- Puce
- Stomacher
- Aga cooker
- Bagpipes
- Bodhran
- Cairngorm gemstones
- Clan MacKenzie crest
- Dirks
- Gaberlunzies
- Handfasting
- Herring boats
- Hogmanay
- How to put on a great kilt
- Interior of a broch
- Jacobite white rose
- Sgian dubh
- Kelpies and waterhorses
- Loch Errochty and "Tunnel Tigers"
- Loch Ness monster and plesiosaurs
- Munro bagging
- Quaich
- Rat satire
- Shinty
- Sporran
- Spurtle
- Strathspey
- Waulking wool
- Albino bear
- Amplexus
- Ant rafts
- Anteater
- Baboons with red behinds
- Bactrian camel
- Beavers
- Bee gums
- Bison
- Bran mash for horses
- Carolina parakeet
- Catamount/cougar/mountain lion
- Cave bear
- Color of a red deer's pelt
- Cuckoo in the nest
- Dachshunds
- Deer fly
- Dragonfly in amber
- Fireflies
- Friesian horses
- Frigate bird
- Glutton, or wolverine
- Goats with blueberry-colored tongues
- Grasshoppers
- Great blue heron
- Great white pelican
- Greylag geese
- Hedgehogs mating
- Hemipenes
- Highland cow
- Hippopotami
- Jackdaw
- Krait
- Mammoth skeleton
- Mandrill
- Moose
- Orangutan
- Orb-weaver spiders
- Ostrich
- Owl pellets
- Parrots in Jamaica
- Passenger pigeon
- Percheron horses
- Plover
- Polecat
- Porcupines
- Possums
- Red stag belling
- Scarlet kingsnake
- Scots Dumpy chickens
- Scottish deerhound
- Scottish wildcat
- Silkworms and mulberry trees
- Sponges
- Tarantula
- Thrush
- White deer
- White piglet
- Wild boar
- Wild horses on Ocracoke
- Wolf-dog crossbreeds
- Woodlice
- "Animal Nursery Tales"
- A.E. Housman poem
- Adso of Melk
- Aubusson rug
- Boucher painting
- Bronzino paintings
- "Da mi basia mille"
- Duke of Buckingham portrait
- Four Humors of Man (statues)
- Great Wave off Kanagawa
- "Green Eggs and Ham"
- Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies
- Hieronymus Bosch
- Idle Prentice Executed at Tyburn
- "The Lake Isle of Innisfree"
- Moravian pottery
- Mowgli and the Red Flower
- Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle
- Netsuke
- Perseus and Medusa statue
- Portrait miniatures
- Robert Burns quote
- Rousseau paintings
- "Spirit of '76" painting
- Stubbs paintings
- Venus of Willendorf
- Anemones
- Blind cave fish
- Chambered nautilus
- Electric eels
- Fish falling from the sky
- Four-eyed fish
- Freshwater pearl mussels
- Hammerhead shark
- Hawksbill sea turtle
- Manatees
- Moray eel
- Porpoise
- Silkies
- Whelks
- Carmina Gadelica
- Deiseil
- Habetrot the Spinstress
- Nuckelavee
- Oenomancy
- Roc's egg
- "The Sprightly Tailor"
- Wendigo
- White Raven
- Wild Hunt
- Asafoetida
- Bannocks
- Black pudding
- Blackthorn berries
- Bridies
- Fugu fish and zombies
- Gooseberries
- Hardtack or ship's biscuit
- Maypop fruit
- North Carolina BBQ
- Persimmons and pawpaws
- Puffball mushroom
- Quince jelly
- Sangria
- Smokehouse
- Syllabub
- Tomatoes are poisonous?
- Vanilla beans
- Video about whisky-making
- Woodears
- 1943 Bethnal Green tube station disaster
- Battle of Quebec
- Boston Massacre
- Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga
- Buttonwood Agreement
- Calendar change in 1752
- Charles Stuart's picnic set
- Crocodiles in apothecary shops
- Declaration of Arbroath
- Dragoman
- Fireships
- Folly
- Foot-binding
- Fridstool
- Glencoe Massacre
- Impressment
- Leanach farmhouse
- Lexington Alarm
- Mandarin civil servant's rank badge
- Mischianza
- Moores Creek Bridge
- Neolithic couple
- Port Royal earthquake 1692
- Prestonpans
- Priest hole
- Proclamation money
- Regulators
- South Sea Bubble
- Springhouse
- Tar and feathers
- Tetradrachm
- Turpentine production
- Westminster Confession
- Window tax
- Yule log
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Achondroplasia
- Aconite
- Amoebic dysentery
- Amusia
- Cinchona bark
- Congenital syphilis
- Cricothyrotomy
- Dauco seeds
- Dislocated shoulder
- Dupuytren's incision
- Ether mask
- Fleam
- Foxglove and digitalis
- Frenulum
- Gallberries
- Ginseng
- Hook prosthesis
- Hookworms
- Jamie's hand with missing finger
- Jugum Penis
- Laminaria
- Laudanum
- Leeches
- Loa loa worm
- Maggots
- Malaria as a cure for syphilis
- McBurney's spot
- Medical chest
- Mongolian spot
- Morbid sore throat (diphtheria)
- Mumps
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Patent ductus arteriosus
- Penicillin
- Penis syringe
- Petechiae
- Phantom limbs
- Pinard stethoscope
- Plasmodium vivax
- Rh incompatibility
- Salt and leeches
- Scarificator
- Seasickness
- Smallpox
- Subclavian artery
- Tetanus
- Tongue-rolling
- Toulouse-Lautrec syndrome
- Transverse lie
- Trepanation
- Typhoid fever
- Urinoscopy
- Willow bark tea
- Abatis
- Basket-hilted broadsword
- Binocular vision
- Black Watch
- British man o' war
- Bullet mold
- Caltrop
- Cartridge box
- French grenadier
- Gorget
- Grapeshot
- Longleaf pine trees
- MID medal from WWII
- Musket
- Powder horn
- Spanish conquistador's helmet
- Spitfires used for photo-reconnaissance
- Spontoon
- Whirligig
- WWII RAF dog tags
- 1969 blue Ford Mustang
- Brag (card game)
- Fortune-teller
- Gigging frogs
- Girdling trees
- Indigo dye
- Orange Morris Minor
- Picquet
- Pop-it pearls
- Smooring a fire
- The "hanged man" tarot card
- Tickling trout
- University of Glasgow emblem
- Weather gauge
- Wooden whistle
- Writing with a quill
- "The Ants Go Marching"
- "Birnie Bouzle"
- "Bonnie Dundee"
- "Clementine"
- "Dry Bones"
- "Eppie Morrie"
- "Flower of Scotland"
- "Folsom Prison Blues"
- "Hey Johnnie Cope"
- "In the Heather's My Bed"
- "Killiecrankie"
- "MacPherson's Lament"
- "The Maid Gaed to the Mill"
- "My Nut-Brown Maiden"
- "Sixteen Tons"
- "Tighten Up" by Archie Bell and the Drells
- "To Anacreon in Heaven"
- "Twa Corbies"
- "Up Among the Heather"
- Goldberg Variations
- Great Lord Frog and Lady Mouse
- Jamie Telfer ballad
- Lillibulero
- Buffalo robe
- Corn-husk dolls
- How bats got their wings
- Iroquois cradleboard
- Iroquois masks
- Iroquois war club
- Joseph Brant (Thayendanagea)
- Longhouse
- Mohawk bow
- Trail of Tears
- Tuscarora
- 18th century condoms
- Amber
- Bilboquet
- Boar's tusk bracelets
- Bog butter
- Branding iron
- Brazier
- Bridle with snaffle bit
- Butter churn
- Chalice and paten
- Commode chairs
- Copper penny from 1766
- Coracle
- Crossed writing in 18th century letters
- Cuckoo clock
- Dueling pistols
- Epergne
- Fiacre
- Garnets
- Groundhog kiln
- Gum arabic
- Harled stone
- Healthy balls
- Hip bath
- Hogsheads
- Hussif
- Jamie's printing press
- Jet rosary
- Kabbalah
- Knout
- Laundry in the 18th century
- Lead type slugs
- L'Heure Bleue perfume
- Marlinspike
- Masonic compass
- Mattock
- Monstrance
- Moonstone
- Oak galls used to make ink
- Opal
- Oranges studded with cloves
- Peat fires
- Pie safe
- Phrygian cap
- Plant press
- Portable writing desk
- Quern
- Rope beds
- Sapphires
- Sedan chairs
- Shilling coin
- Snuff box
- Swiss army knife
- Tawse
- Toby jugs
- Trundle bed
- Warming pan
- Witch-prickers
- Black Malva shampoo
- Brian Fraser's mother, Davina Porter
- Claire's parents' names
- Diana and parentheses
- Geillis's skull
- Jamie and Bree and the diamond-shaped mole
- Jamie measures distances with his middle finger
- Jamie's baby brother
- Jamie's first Christmas gift to Jemmy
- Jamie's handwriting and Lord John
- Jocasta smoking pot
- John Cinnamon connection
- Lawrence Stern and Laurence Sterne
- Mockingbird that sounds like Adso
- Roger's birthplace
- Roses, and Claire's reaction
- The nose-picker scene
- Tranquil Teal
- Andrew Bell
- Comte St. Germain
- Daniel Morgan
- Death of Brig. Gen. Simon Fraser
- Dr. Benjamin Rush
- Flora MacDonald
- Frederick the Great
- Horace Walpole
- Hermon Husband
- Hildegard von Bingen
- James Nayler
- Jane McCrea and the scalping
- Jenny Cameron
- King George VI
- Lord Charles Grey and Paoli
- Lord Lovat, the "Old Fox"
- Louis XV and Madame Nesle
- Mayer Rothschild
- Molly Stark
- Sailor Malan
- Sir Francis Dashwood and the Hellfire Club
- Solway martyrs "stakit to droon"
- St. Dismas
- St. Finbar
- St. Sebastian
- Stede Bonnet
- Tadeusz Kościuszko ("Kos")
- Arbroath cliffs
- Ashness Bridge
- Athlone Castle
- Bath hot springs
- Beauly Priory
- Boundary stone at Carter Bar
- Cape Wrath
- Castle Leod
- Catacombs of Paris
- Coigach
- Corrimony Cairn
- Devil's Stomping Ground
- Dovecote
- Dunbonnet's cave
- Easter vigil at Notre Dame
- Edinburgh Tolbooth
- Fort Ticonderoga
- Fort William
- Foundling Hospital in London
- Holyrood Palace
- Inchcleraun
- Kirk of the Canongate
- Mile-castle 37 of Hadrian's Wall
- Oast house
- Old High St. Stephen's church
- Old Tennent Church
- Pitlochry Dam
- Rose Hall
- Royal Arsenal at Woolwich
- St. Margaret's church in Westminster
- Stirling Castle
- Swamp video
- The World's End
- Thurso
- Tower of London
- Tryon Palace
- White's Chocolate House
- Aloe vera
- Amaranthus
- Bitter cascara
- Black hellebore
- Bloodroot
- Borage
- Bracken
- Chaga
- Chestnut mast
- Comfrey
- Crown vetch
- Elderberries
- Elecampane
- Eyebright
- Forget-me-nots
- Gorse
- Heather
- Horse chestnut
- Hyacinth
- Lavender and migraines
- Mallow roots
- Mangroves
- Mountain laurel
- Mullein leaves
- Nannyberry bush
- Nettles
- Panther-cap mushrooms
- Pennyroyal
- Pink tulip and violets
- Poison ivy
- Pokeweed
- Rhododendron hell
- Rose madder
- Rowan berries
- Saracen's consound
- Tansy
- Thistle
- Valerian
- Watercress
- Water-pepper
- Wax myrtle berries
- Yarrow
- "The African Queen"
- Darby and Joan
- Kewpie doll
- Mickey Mouse
- Monty Python "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition"
- Mutt and Jeff
- Perry Mason
- Punch and Judy
- Timmy's in the well
- Yogi Bear
- Astrolabe
- Aurora Borealis
- Automaton
- Blue vitriol and green fire
- Dark lantern
- Electric fire
- Froe
- Gold bars
- Ley lines
- Leyden jar
- Macadam
- Making fire with flint and steel
- Orrery
- Paper-making
- Peach pits and cyanide
- Pelican distillation apparatus
- Perseid meteor shower
- Phosphorus
- Quicksilver, aka mercury
- Roman hypocaust
- Rotary dial telephone
- Rush dip
- St. Elmo's fire
- The "summer dim"
- Zugunruhe