Finished the series...again!

I finished listening to the audiobook of Diana Gabaldon's WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD last night, wrapping up my latest "re-listen" of the OUTLANDER series.
This is approximately my 20th time through the OUTLANDER books since November 2006. I mostly listen to the audiobooks rather than reading print or e-book editions, because the audio versions force you to really slow down and pay attention to the details. I pick up new little details on every re-listen. And besides, Davina Porter is a wonderful narrator! She does a terrific job with all the voices and accents.
It takes me a long time to get through the whole series, but this last re-listen took much longer than usual. Looking through my iTunes library, I see that I started listening to OUTLANDER on August 4, 2016, so it's taken me almost exactly two years.
I took a long break from late August-November 2016 (my dad passed away in September of that year), and again in the fall of 2017 while Season 3 was in progress, but otherwise I maintained my habit of listening for 30 minutes to an hour most days.
In between the Big Books, I also listened to THE SCOTTISH PRISONER and all of the stories in SEVEN STONES TO STAND OR FALL.
That's at least 400 hours of listening, spread over two years.
I will probably take another break from the audiobooks before I start over again with OUTLANDER. I always need some time to decompress after I finish the series.
What about the rest of you? Any other audiobook-addicts or compulsive re-readers of the OUTLANDER books out there?
I listen to audio books on CD all the time--I get them from my local library. I have CD players in the kitchen, bedroom, a portable one to take to volunteer jobs, and there is a CD player in my car. I am just now finishing The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz. I usually listen to mysteries and thrillers--anything that I would be tempted to read the last page first! I can't really do that with the CDs.