SEVEN STONES TO STAND OR FALL is out in paperback!

Diana Gabaldon's story collection, SEVEN STONES TO STAND OR FALL, is now available in trade paperback format (that's the large size paperback) in the US!
You can order here:
Barnes & Noble
Poisoned Pen (autographed copies)
SEVEN STONES TO STAND OR FALL is a collection of seven novellas that take place in the OUTLANDER universe:
"The Custom of the Army"
"A Plague of Zombies"
"A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows"
"The Space Between"
"A Fugitive Green"
The first five of these stories were previously published in other anthologies and as standalone e-books, but "A Fugitive Green" and "Besieged" are available only in this collection.
For more information about this book, see my SEVEN STONES TO STAND OR FALL FAQ page.