November poll results

Here are the results of the November poll, which asked the question, "How long have you been reading Diana Gabaldon's books?"
- 2.20% - Less than 6 months
- 3.76% - 6 months to 1 year
- 7.24% - 1-2 years
- 20.51% - 2-5 years
- 11.50% - 5-10 years
- 9.94% - 10-15 years
- 8.94% - 15-20 years
- 13.63% - 20-25 years
- 7.10% - 25+ years
- 13.06% - Since OUTLANDER was first published.
- 0.14% - I read excerpts of her work on Compuserve before OUTLANDER was published.
- 0.92% - I haven't read any of Diana Gabaldon's books, but I've watched the OUTLANDER TV series.
- 1.06% - Other
Please take a moment to vote in the December poll, which asks, "Have you ever been to Scotland?"