February poll results

Here are the results of the February poll, which asked the question, "Have you attended any of Diana Gabaldon's public appearances?"
- 31.91% - Yes, I've been to one or more of her book-signings or other public appearances.
- 29.79% - Not yet, but I would like to see her in person some day.
- 21.47% - No, I live too far away.
- 5.61% - No, I'm not interested in attending a book-signing.
- 2.71% - Yes, many times!
- 2.32% - What public appearances? When and where?
- 1.74% - I'm planning to attend one of her appearances later this year, or when Book 9 comes out.
- 0.77% - I would like to, but I'm too busy with family, work, or other commitments.
- 0.58% - No, the crowds at these events are getting too big.
- 3.09% - Other:
I didn't vote in the poll myself, but I have seen Diana in person four times, most recently in 2017. The photo above is from my first encounter with Diana, at an appearance in Columbia, MD, in 2009.
Please take a moment to vote in the March poll, which asks, "Do you read excerpts or #DailyLines from Diana Gabaldon's upcoming books or stories?"