A thank you from Diana!

As some of you may know, Diana Gabaldon gave me the title of "Chief Bumblebee-Herder" in the Acknowledgements of one of her books a few years ago. I love the imagery, which is a very apt description of what I do in my role as moderator of the Diana Gabaldon section of TheLitForum.com (formerly the Compuserve Books and Writers Community), which is the online forum where Diana hangs out.
The past six months on the forum, since the publication of GO TELL THE BEES THAT I AM GONE, have been the busiest period on the forum in quite a long time, and it's been a real challenge for me at times to keep up with all the posts, both for the BEES discussions and, in recent weeks, the Season 6 discussions.

Diana Gabaldon's comment on the forum this morning totally made my day! It means so much to me that she appreciates how much time and effort I put into managing the discussions on the forum on a daily basis, especially during what I call "thread explosions", aka the huge burst of activity in the period right after a new book is released or while a new season of the OUTLANDER TV series is in progress. It's pretty exhausting, and I'm definitely in need of a break!
I encourage all of you to come and check out TheLitForum. We're always happy to talk about anything OUTLANDER-related, books or show! Diana is on the forum most days, except while traveling, and she participates in the discussions as time permits. Be sure to check out the other sections of the forum, too. It's a great resource for writers and aspiring writers. You have to sign up to read or post on the forum, but it's free.
You are worth much more. Love yourself