RIP Alex Beaton

Alex Beaton

Sad news today: Scottish folk-singer Alex Beaton has died at age 77.

I have been a huge fan of his singing since I saw him perform at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in July 2010.

I had never heard of him before then, but after hearing him perform, I decided then and there that I had to have a CD of his songs. I bought his "Personal Favorites" album (a 2-CD set of some of his favorite songs), and quickly became thoroughly addicted. (I literally will happily listen to him sing for hours! His voice is very soothing and easy to listen to.)

In July 2011, Alex Beaton suffered a severe spinal cord injury in a freak accident at home, and he became a quadriplegic. He continued to stay in touch with his fans via an email newsletter, which is how I learned the news of his passing this morning.

Here is his obituary. You can order CDs and download songs on his website here.

If you want to get a flavor of his singing, check out Alex Beaton singing "These are My Mountains", one of my favorites from the first album of his songs that I bought. When I listen to this song, I always imagine him performing for a large crowd at a Gathering or other Scottish festival.

RIP, Alex Beaton, and thank you!!


Kathy in PA said...

I’m so sorry but loved reading how you became a fan. Diana has opened so many things through her books. Thank you again for your Outlander encyclopedic site. I came here to find a QOTD for Ladies of Lallybroch and you didn’t disappoint. Hope you’re having a relaxing day.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear this news. Alex once came to the high school I used to teach at in 2000 (Bel Air El Paso - home of the Highlanders!) and sang at our local highland games in El Paso. He was wonderfully kind and generous. I still have a CD of his lying around somewhere. Wonderful talent!

Unknown said...

I have seen Alex perform his wonderful music many, many times. And I always enjoyed it! We met at the Scottish Games in Alexandria Virginia. He was always the highlight of the festival. His talent and passion were evident to anyone with ears and a heart. I am truly saddened to hear of his misfortune and of his passing. But I know how much he meant to thousands and thousands of people, including me.
Godspeed you handsome man! Until we meet again I wish you peace and blessings. And thank you for the memories and the music!

Barbara Ferguson Siebert said...

My sister was such a fan of his, and introduced me to his music ! I still play his music and have wonderful memories of seeing him at the games and a cruise we went on with him. I’m so sad to hear of his passing !

Unknown said...

I first heard Alex in Santa Rosa Ca many years ago. I,as, well, had to have his CD's/ The Games moved to Pleasanton and I followed him there. Sad news to hear he passed!!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear this sad news. I love to listen to his cds and really missed being able to see him in person again.

Unknown in Oregon said...

Another fan of Alex Beaton here. I first heard him at the Highland Games in Enumclaw, Washington in the shadow of My. Rainier. Loved his voice and music. I have a dearly loved collection of his cd's and find little better than signing along with him as I travel. Such a shining star and gift he was. He'll be surely missed

Trey Dragomir said...

I only learned recently Alex passed away and it shattered my heart.
I'm just a 33 year old Tennessee American but I knew his voice close to heart as a teen and he inspired me to want to play&sing in his style after hearing his takes on Flower of Scotland,These Are My Mountains,Loch Lohmand and The 40 Twa.Unfortunately,an injury stopped that from happening.I also remember seeing his documentaries where he spoke of Scotland's history&sang about them which touched my heart.
I would've loved to have shooken his hand just once and told him Thank you...
I hope his glorious soul found his way home in the end though.May his enchanting voice of story&song forever ring through the hills of his homeland and on the winds of the rest of the world.

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