More good news about ECHO

Diana had this to say on Compuserve today when I asked her how the sales of AN ECHO IN THE BONE compare with those of A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES upon its publication in 2005:

It's been selling 93% _more_ than ABOSA--which has the NY publisher drop-jawed, because most authors' sales are down anywhere from 10-30%. They're scrambling to reprint and ship more copies--aggravating to have demand, and nothing to fill it with.

Isn't that fantastic news?! It sounds like all of our efforts to get the word out about this terrific book are paying off, big-time!


Laura's Reviews said...

That is fantastic news! I just got my sister involved in the series . . . I don't know why I didn't sooner! My two best friends already love it, but I think that my next book club pick will be Outlander (even though the size will be sure to make some members not pleased, but I'll sure they'll be happy when they finally read it). Thanks for posting the news!

JAS said...

Awesome news. Go Diana! The long wait payed off. I tell everyone who is crazy about Twilight they should try a book with a real hero.

Cyndi said...

In times like these, the Outlander books are the perfect escape. A reminder that things could always be worse. ;)

ibeeeg said...

That is great news. I am so glad that this book is doing so well.

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