Video of Diana reading from ECHO

I found this video on Diana Gabaldon's YouTube channel yesterday, and thought it was worth sharing.

SPOILER WARNING: Don't watch this unless you've read ECHO Chapter 12 ("Enough").

I've heard Diana do humorous readings before; when I attended her book-signing in Columbia, MD, in September, she read the "squidgy" scene from ECHO, which is very funny. But this is the first time I've heard her read a more emotionally intense scene, and I thought it was really well done. She captured Claire's emotions very well.

This video comes from Diana's recent German book-tour. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Thank you posting this reading. I agree; Diana did a wonderful job of capturing the emotions of the scene. It had me in tears. I love your blog and appreciate all the time and effort that goes into it. You are amazing.

Mitzi H. said...

Wow...I don't know if I can see good enough to type eyes are so full of tears.

I've always thought that Diana's words came from deep within her own soul and now I have no doubt.

Thank you for sharing this!!!

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