New poll about A TRAIL OF FIRE
Here are the results of the September poll:
Who is your favorite animal from Diana Gabaldon's books?
- 57.77% - Rollo
- 15.11% - Adso
- 8.72% - Donas
- 8.29% - Clarence
- 6.3% - The White Sow
- 1.73% - Gideon
- 0.43% - Gustav
- 0.43% - Judas
- 0.35% - Hiram
- 0.09% - Lucas
- 0.78% - Other
- Bouton
- Jenny's sheep
- none of the animals!!
- Hiram and Rollo can't just pick one
- Jerusha
- Rollo and Adso
- all the above
- Too hard to choose....
- Can't choose - tie between Rollo and Donas

October Poll: A TRAIL OF FIRE
I hope you'll take a moment to vote in the October poll, which is all about Diana Gabaldon's new book, A TRAIL OF FIRE, which is due out later this month in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. For more about A TRAIL OF FIRE, look here.