Friday Fun Facts Contest!

This week's Friday Fun Facts post will be the 100th installment since I started posting the FFF on January 27, 2012.  (Not bad for something I started more or less on a whim! <g>)  Thanks VERY much to everyone who's commented on my FFF posts over the past 100 weeks.  I really appreciate your support!

In celebration of this milestone, I've decided to have a little contest.

[UPDATE 4/6/2014 11:42 am: The contest has ended. You can see the results here.]

The Rules:

The object of this game is to come up with your own "Best of the Friday Fun Facts" list.

1) Pick 5 items from previous Friday Fun Facts posts that you particularly enjoyed. Items must be found on one of the following lists:

Friday Fun Facts Subject Index
Friday Fun Facts Index by Book

You can choose from any category. There are no right or wrong answers here; this is just an opportunity to share some of your favorites.

2) Write the items down in an email, like this:

My favorite Friday Fun Facts are:

1) _________________________
2) _________________________
3) _________________________
4) _________________________
5) _________________________

(Optional, but definitely appreciated: include a brief description of why you picked each item.)

3) Email your entry to Please use the subject line "FFF Contest", and don't forget to include your name!  (One entry per person, please!)

4) All entries must be received by midnight Eastern Time on Saturday, April 5, 2014. The winner of the contest will be selected by a random drawing on Sunday, April 6th.

5) You do not have to be a US resident in order to enter this contest.

The Prize:

The winner will receive an autographed copy of Diana Gabaldon's upcoming novel, WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD, upon its publication on June 10, 2014. I will arrange to have the book shipped to you from the Poisoned Pen bookstore in Arizona.

Please contact me at, or leave a comment here, if you have any questions.  Good luck, and have fun!  I'm looking forward to seeing what everybody comes up with. <g>

PLEASE NOTE: I will acknowledge each entry as it's received with a reply by email within 24 hours. If you sent in an entry but you did NOT get a reply back from me, please re-send it and make sure that you put "FFF Contest" in the subject line, so I will know it's for the contest.  Thanks.


Anita Boelke said...

Hi Karen ,
is this Contest open internationally os US only ...
greetings from Germany , Anita

Karen Henry said...

Hi Anita,

The contest is open to anyone, no matter where you live! Hope you decide to participate. :-)


French Becky said...

How much of the FFF do you want? Example: Fridstool and tell why I picked that one OR do you want more in the way of references, book source, quotes, etc?

Thanks and love the FFF.

Becky Gottlieb

Karen Henry said...

Becky - just the item description ("fridstool") is fine. I'd love to know why you picked the items on your list, too, but that’s not required.


Karen Henry said...

Thanks, Nancy! :-) Really glad everybody's been enjoying the FFF!


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