New poll for February
January Poll Results
Results of the January poll are as follows:
What do you think about the OUTLANDER graphic novel?
- I'm looking forward to getting a different perspective on the events of OUTLANDER. (42.2%)
- I just want to see more of Jamie and Claire's story, and I don't care how we get it. (17.4%)
- I can't wait to see Diana's vision of what Jamie and Claire really look like. (11.0%)
- I'm not crazy about the idea, but I'll probably buy it anyway. (10.1%)
- I'm glad that Diana is writing the script and working closely with the artist. (6.4%)
- It's a terrible idea. I don't want to see Jamie and Claire turned into comic book characters. (6.4%)
- Not sure yet. I want to see more of the sample artwork first. (3.7%)
- What's a graphic novel, and what does it have to do with OUTLANDER? (2.8%)
Thanks so much to everyone who participated! I find the results very interesting, and more or less in line with my own views on the subject. (I didn't vote in it myself, but if I had, I probably would have gone with the majority on this one.)
For those of you who chose that last option: If you want to find out more about the OUTLANDER graphic novel, look here for Diana's explanation of what it is, and here and here for sample pages of the script and artwork.
February Poll
This month's poll features a selection of my favorite romantic quotes from the books. (The fact that all of them are Jamie-quotes is not a coincidence. <vbg>) I had a hard time choosing only one per book! (Page numbers are from the hardcover editions, and as always, the quotes are copyright© Diana Gabaldon.)
If you have a different quote that you would have liked to see in this list, feel free to post it here. I'm always interested to hear what people think.
February's "Notable Dates"
Finally, I would like to thank Jari Backman for his continuing help with the "Notable Dates This Month" feature on my blog. Jari provided most of the dates listed here for February, as he's done for the last few months. Please keep it up, Jari, you know I appreciate it very much!
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