More pictures from THE EXILE

In honor of the June 22 release of the trade-paperback edition of AN ECHO IN THE BONE, which will include an eight-page preview of the upcoming OUTLANDER graphic novel, THE EXILE, Diana Gabaldon has posted a new page from THE EXILE on her blog. This page is the first one we've seen that includes dialogue bubbles as well as artwork.

You can see an enlarged view of the page here. (Please don't copy and paste this picture onto your own site. Linking to it is fine, though.)

Looking at these pictures, I have a few quick comments:








1) I like the look on Jamie's face in that last frame. The eyes crinkling to triangles, the half-smile as if to say, "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." <g>

2) I was sort of startled by the size of Angus's fist in that first frame. I knew he was a big guy, of course, but hadn't really pictured him as being quite that large. <g> No wonder Claire was worried!

3) Laoghaire looks more or less exactly as I'd imagined.

4) Yes, I do think Jamie's ears look too pointy in the last frame, despite what Diana said on her blog ("And no, Jamie doesn't have pointed ears; his hair is just overlying the top of his ear.") I'll have to reserve judgment on that until I see the rest of the GN.


sdas said...
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Anonymous said...

I am excited to read the story of Exile, but to tell you the truth I don't really care for the graphic images. They'll never match the images I have in my own mind of Jamie and Claire, etc.

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