THE EXILE is available for the Nook!

Diana Gabaldon's graphic novel, THE EXILE, is now available for Nook Color and Nook Tablet e-readers!  (Thanks to CherylT on Compuserve for letting me know.)

I just downloaded it this morning, and it looks great The colors come through extremely well.  Of course it's a little small, reading it on a 7 inch Nook screen, but you can tap to zoom in as close as you want.

The link to the Nook version is here. Please note, you have to be running version 1.4.1 of the Nook software (just released a couple of weeks ago) in order to see it.

THE EXILE is unfortunately not viewable on the Nook for PC app (I tried that and it said it wasn't available), but if you are a Nook Color or Nook Tablet owner, give it a try; I think you'll like it. <g>

I have no idea if there are plans to make THE EXILE available on Kindle or any other e-readers. (The German version of THE EXILE is available for Kindle, according to Barbara Schnell, Diana's German translator, but I don't have any information other than that.) I think they should, for all e-readers capable of displaying images in full color, but that's just my opinion.

Please pass this information on to anyone else who may be interested. Thanks!

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