My blog is 4 years old today!

Four years ago today, I started Outlandish Observations!

I had two goals in mind when I started this blog.  The first was simply to learn about blogging. The second was to create a central repository for news and information geared toward OUTLANDER fans, a place where people could go to find answers to commonly asked questions, links to other OUTLANDER-related sites, and the latest information on Diana Gabaldon's new and upcoming releases.

To say that this blog has succeeded far beyond my wildest imaginings is a severe understatement! In the beginning, I never expected anyone to visit my site except a few dozen of my friends from Compuserve and LOL. I didn't talk about it on Compuserve for the first couple of years, because I was very reluctant to draw attention to it where Diana could see -- which seems silly in retrospect, but it's true. Suffice it to say that I did get over that shyness, eventually, and Diana regularly visits my blog to check out the latest collection of Friday Fun Facts.  (She's called them "consistently entertaining", which is extremely gratifying to me, as you can imagine!)

Special thanks to all of my followers on the Outlandish Observations Facebook page -- 773 at last count! And many, many thanks to all of you who've visited the site over the past four years. It's been an amazing journey, and I'm so glad you've come along for the ride. :-)

(The OUTLANDER Photo Contest that I'm currently running is intended as a celebration of this fourth anniversary. I hope you'll consider sending in a photo if you haven't already.)

I'm going to raise a toast to all of you this evening. I'm so grateful to you, the readers of Outlandish Observations, for your support and encouragement over these last four years!



Jennifer said...

I'm so happy for you Karen, that's wonderful! Keep up the great work!

Niki said...

Happy Blogiversary! :-)

Christiane KYPREOS said...

Hello Karen,that's great ! Thanks to you and your blog, I "met" so many nice people through the web.Every Friday, I'm looking forward to the FFF, I learn so much each time, thankyou so much and I wish you many many many more FFF! All the best, greetings from Greece.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Karen on your 4th anniversary! Thank you for all your hard work on our behalf:-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Karen for all your hard work! Congratulations on your anniversary:-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Karen! A successful blog takes a lot of hard work and yours is always entertaining and informative. Best of all, you update it frequently - probably the hardest part of blogging, but the most important.

Karen Henry said...

Thanks, everyone! :-)


Jari Backman said...

Dear Karen,

Congratulations and sláinte mhath.

MaryFaithPeace said...

Your blog is an Outlandercyclopedia for one and all. Cheers and may you have many more birthdays to come!!!

Nenya said...

Congrats!!!!! :)

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