Results of the January poll

Here are the results of the January poll, which asked the question, "Who is your favorite supporting character (EXCLUDING Jamie and Claire) in the OUTLANDER TV series?"
  • 39.28% - Murtagh
  • 20.80% - Dougal
  • 10.24% - Rupert
  • 6.20% - Black Jack Randall
  • 5.13% - Angus
  • 4.18% - Frank Randall
  • 3.98% - Mrs. Fitzgibbons
  • 3.26% - Ned Gowan
  • 2.91% - Geillis Duncan
  • 0.78% - Colum
  • 0.09% - Laoghaire
  • 1.93% - I haven't seen the OUTLANDER TV series.
  • 1.21% - Other
Here are the responses for "Other":
  • Can't pick just one! They are all great
  • no cable, buying dvd- like Dougal
  • Jenny
  • jenny
  • Roger
  • All of them.
  • Angus & Rupert
  • wee Roger
  • Jennie
  • Love them all
  • Roger
  • Frank and BJR
  • I like a lot of them!
  • Little Roger
  • All are great, too hard to choose!
  • Rupert and Angus.
  • Mrs. Graham, The Druid Seer
  • All of them together make the show so great!
  • This was a difficult one, how can I choose?! But then again, Murtagh...
  • hats
  • Rupert & Angus in their scenes together
  • Willie
  • Dougal first, then Muragh, third Frank Randall
  • Rupert and Angus
  • Too many to pick! I pick wee Roger-scene stealer!
  • I canna choose from this embarrassment of riches!
  • All of the above!
  • Not 1- Rupert/Angus team for comic relief, Black Jack/Frank for drama.
  • all verra verra bonnie
  • Willie
  • they ALL do a bang up job!
  • All of them! This is so well cast, I can't choose just one.
  • Rupert and Angus TOGETHER--comedy gold!
  • The comedy team of Rupert and Angus
  • Hugh Monroe
  • Rupert and Angus should be together!
  • can't choose between Murtagh and Dougal.
  • Black Jack functions as a lead character for the story, so I can not get by him
  • All of them. The actors are doing a fabulous job.
  • jenny
  • Jenny
I thought this would be an interesting question, and I was right. There were 3,467 responses to this month's poll. Thanks so much to everyone who participated!

I was really surprised that Murtagh took an early and commanding lead. I've never been much of a fan of Murtagh in the books; although he's a much more likeable character in the TV series, he's still not my favorite. But obviously there are a LOT of Duncan Lacroix fans out there! <g>

I didn't vote in this poll, but I think I would have chosen Dougal. I love watching him.

Please take a moment to vote in the February poll, which is all about how you found the OUTLANDER books.


  1. There are such a lot of great characters. I agree that he is a much more likeable character in the TV series!
  2. I learned to really like book Murtagh alot more after he helped Claire in her search for Jamie. And how can you not like him for his loyalty and love for Jamie?
  3. Shifting the "Leery will always be a lassie" speech from Auld Alec to Murtagh made the difference to me. When Murtagh glares at Claire and says those words, I felt he had made up his mind that Claire was the one for Jamie. Also his comment about Claire's smile being like his memory of Ellen's sweet smile.
  4. Having read the books and knowing that Murtagh was in love with Jamie's mother and thus spent the rest of his life trying to protect Jamie was what did it for me.

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.