Season 1 Volume 2 DVD/Blu-ray available for pre-order!

The DVD and Blu-ray of the 2nd half of OUTLANDER Season 1 (covering episodes 109-116) will be released on September 29, 2015!

The pre-order links on Amazon are here:



Ron Moore has said that one of the "extras" will be a slightly different version of Episode 109, "The Reckoning", than what we saw on TV. For more information about the contents of the Blu-ray and DVD, look here.

PLEASE NOTE: If you bought the Blu-ray Collector's Edition of OUTLANDER Season 1 Volume 1, there is a cardboard "place-holder" in the box that is intended for the second half of the season. When you get your copy of the Volume 2 Blu-ray, simply remove the cardboard from the Collector's Edition box and insert Volume 2, so you'll have a complete set of Season 1 in one box.

NOTE IF YOU LIVE OUTSIDE THE US: The links above are for the US version only. I have no information about availability of the Volume 2 DVD or Blu-ray in other countries.

1 comment

Deldee Kittrell said...

Hey Karen: I just received notice from Amazon that mine would not be there until 10/6. I guess they are counting time to ship. FYI

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