September poll results

Here are the results of the September poll, which asked the question, "What are you doing to pass the time during #Droughtlander?"
- 15.67% - Reading (or re-reading) Diana Gabaldon's books.
- 10.07% - Reading books by other authors.
- 5.22% - Listening to the OUTLANDER audiobooks.
- 4.85% - Reading #DailyLines from BEES.
- 4.48% - Watching Seasons 1-4 again.
- 4.10% - Pursuing other hobbies or interests not related to OUTLANDER.
- 3.54% - Following various OUTLANDER fan-sites, including Outlandish Observations.
- 3.17% - Devouring any information I can find (trailers, photos, interviews, etc.) about Season 5.
- 1.31% - Focusing on family, work, or other commitments.
- 42.91% - All of the above.
- 4.66% - Other
Please take a moment to vote in the October poll, which asks, "What do you think of the Lord John books and stories?"