No new episode of OUTLANDER on April 17

Heads up for fans of the OUTLANDER TV show: According to the schedule on, there will NOT be a new episode next Sunday, April 17, when many viewers will be celebrating Easter with their families.
Episode 607, "Sticks and Stones", will air the following week instead, on Sunday, April 24.

If you plan to watch that episode on STARZ, rather than through the app or On Demand, please note the start time of Episode 607, which is listed as 9:04 PM EST, not 9:00 PM.
For those of you who don't remember, STARZ has done this sort of thing before. For example, they took a similar break between Episodes 305 and 306, to build up the hype for Jamie and Claire's reunion.
I figured I would post this announcement now so people are not caught off guard by the slight hiatus. Please help spread the word to anyone else you know who may be interested. Thanks!