Diana Gabaldon's upcoming public appearances

The Appearances page of Diana Gabaldon's website has been updated with information on a number of upcoming events in the next few months:

- August 13-14 - Fergus Scottish Festival, Ontario, Canada. Diana has been to this festival many times, though not in recent years. Duncan Lacroix will also be there.

- August 23 - Edinburgh International Book Festival (NOTE: They have a virtual option for those of us who can't be there in person.)

- October 8-9 - NY Comic Con (NYCC)

- October 15 - Appearance at Eden Court, Inverness, Scotland

- October 21-23 - Surrey International Writers Conference (SIWC), Surrey, BC, Canada

After such a long time when Diana Gabaldon made no in-person public appearances, due to the pandemic, it feels like the floodgates have opened! (Yes, that's THREE trips to Scotland in the space of 3 1/2 months, counting the trip to the UK and Spain that she just returned from. Wow!)

For details about any of the above events, see the Appearances page of Diana's website. Be sure to check that page from time to time for further updates!


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