I've been interviewed!
A few weeks ago, my friend Julie Weathers asked if she could interview me for her blog. I've known Julie on TheLitForum (and Compuserve before that) for a long time, but we'd never chatted outside the forum before. She said she wanted to know about how I got started blogging, tips for running a successful blog, and so on. But she also made it clear that she wanted to do an in-depth interview, to give people a look at who I am as a person, not just as an OUTLANDER fan or a blogger. So we sat down for what turned out to be a long and wide-ranging conversation on Zoom.
Julie posted the interview today on her website. You can see it here. I'm just delighted with the way it came out, and I hope the rest of you enjoy it, too!
MANY thanks to Julie for doing such a thorough job! It's a terrific post, and she clearly put a lot of time and effort into it. I encourage you to check it out! And while you're there, please take the time to look through what else is available on Julie's site.
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