I've been interviewed!

A few weeks ago, my friend Julie Weathers asked if she could interview me for her blog. I've known Julie on TheLitForum (and Compuserve before that) for a long time, but we'd never chatted outside the forum before. She said she wanted to know about how I got started blogging, tips for running a successful blog, and so on. But she also made it clear that she wanted to do an in-depth interview, to give people a look at who I am as a person, not just as an OUTLANDER fan or a blogger. So we sat down for what turned out to be a long and wide-ranging conversation on Zoom.
Julie posted the interview today on her website. You can see it here. I'm just delighted with the way it came out, and I hope the rest of you enjoy it, too!
MANY thanks to Julie for doing such a thorough job! It's a terrific post, and she clearly put a lot of time and effort into it. I encourage you to check it out! And while you're there, please take the time to look through what else is available on Julie's site.
Karen was delightful to visit with. She opened up about everything and gave me full access to her life.
I was very pleased to take this journey with her and I hope I did her justice.