FOURTEEN DAYS, a novel with stories by Diana Gabaldon and others

Here's something unexpected! Diana Gabaldon announced on her Facebook page today that she contributed two stories (these are true stories, not fiction) to a "collaborative novel", with multiple authors, called FOURTEEN DAYS that will be published on February 6, 2024.
As Diana explained:
FOURTEEN DAYS is the brainchild of someone (don’t ask me who, because I don’t know) connected with the Author’s Guild, who in the midst of the pandemic, conceived the notion that a number of professional authors should contribute stories that could be blended into a novel (of sorts) in which the residents of a New York apartment building, unable to go out in public, gather on the roof and exchange tales in the manner of the Decameron. (Just in case you’re not instantly familiar with the Decameron, (per Google) “The Decameron (c. 1351) is an entertaining series of one hundred stories written in the wake of the Black Death. The stories are told in a country villa outside the city of Florence by ten young noble men and women who are seeking to escape the ravages of the plague”.)
If it’s been in print since 1351, it’s probably a good book; we’ll hope FOURTEEN DAYS is a worthy imitator…
Actually, I can’t yet tell you how the project turned out, because--while they did send me a copy of the final book--I haven’t had a free second to read it, between working on three (at a minimum) books at once (yes, Book Ten is on top!), plus two (count ‘em, TWO…) TV shows. (I’m a Consulting Producer and a screenwriter, for both BLOOD OF MY BLOOD (Season One)--which starts filming…um….well, _now_--and the final (alas) season (Season Eight) of OUTLANDER, which starts a couple of months later.)
My guess is that it’s pretty readable, given the number of Excellent Authors involved. I gave them two stories, both true (i.e., not fiction); we’ll see how it all came out!
You can order FOURTEEN DAYS here:
Barnes & Noble
Poisoned Pen (autographed copies)
Please note, I have no information on availability of this book outside the US at this time. Check with your local bookstore.
It sounds like an interesting concept. Just keep in mind that Diana's contributions to this book will be true stories, presumably not related to OUTLANDER, "blended" with the other authors' stories into a single novel. I think we'll recognize her "storytelling voice" as distinct from all the other authors, regardless.