One final comment about fan-fiction
No, I have no idea why. It's her blog, her decision, and she most certainly does not consult me before she does things like that! <g>
But under the circumstances, I think it's the right thing to do. Diana surely has better things to do with her time and energy (like, say, writing the early stages of Book 8 or LORD JOHN AND THE SCOTTISH PRISONER) than continue to respond to this nonsense.
If you want to continue the debate, by all means, go read George R. R. Martin's blog. He's posted some very thoughtful, well-written, and (IMHO) sensible comments on the subject.
Meanwhile, I have said all I intend to say about the whole fan-fiction controversy. I'll leave my previous blog posts up on this site as a record of some of the more interesting things that Diana had to say about it, but I agree with many of you that the subject has been beaten to death and it's time to move on to other topics. (Has it really only been a week since this all started? It seems much, much longer.)
In that spirit....I'm going to listen to the Diana Gabaldon/Frazer Hines program on BBC Radio at 6:30 ET this morning, and then I'm going back to bed. <g>
Wishing you all a calmer week ahead!
Related posts:
Fan-fiction and copyright
Fan-fiction and copyright: Diana's response
More on the fan-fiction controversy
Diana Gabaldon's official fan-fiction policy
An apology from Diana
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