Diana likes my sign!
Diana likes my homemade sign! Here's what she had to say on Compuserve this morning:
The sign was a great idea <g>--and that's an excellent picture of you; you look so pretty and friendly, I don't know who could resist talking to you.And then she asked if she could use this picture on her redesigned web site. Wow! (Naturally I said yes.) I'm flattered and delighted that she likes it enough to want to use it herself.
This is a great example of a last-minute idea that turned out to be Just Perfect. I went to a local craft store the day before our trip to Grandfather Mountain, bought the blue posterboard (the same color as the OUTLANDER paperback) and some gold-foil alphabet stickers, and it didn't take long to put it together.
I enjoyed being a sort of "roving ambassador" for Diana's books at GFM on Friday. I'll definitely bring the sign with me when I see Diana at the Bookmarks Book Festival in Winston-Salem, NC, on September 11. I'd love to get her to autograph it for me!
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