Trade Paperback Available for Pre-order in the US and Canada
Diana Gabaldon's latest novel, THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, will be published in trade-paperback format (that's the large size paperback) in the US and Canada on May 29, 2012. It's available for pre-order now. Click on the image below to go to the pre-order page on (The Canadian equivalent is here.)

I'm entertained to discover that my own review of THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, which I posted in December, 2011, is listed as the "most helpful positive review" on That's very gratifying.
UK Paperback Release Date Confusion
There seems to be conflicting information about the paperback release date for THE SCOTTISH PRISONER in the UK. The Orion Books site (Diana Gabaldon's UK publisher) says May 2012, but it's listed on and Waterstones with a publication date of 11 October 2012. Very confusing! Fans in the UK who want the paperback edition sooner than October might be better off ordering from The Book Depository or some similar site that ships worldwide.
German edition coming in June!
The German edition of THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, called DIE FACKELN DER FREIHEIT ("The Torches of Freedom"), will be published on 25 June 2012.

You can find out more about the German edition, translated by Barbara Schnell, on Diana Gabaldon's German website here. Please pass this information on to any German readers you may know.
Need more information?
For more information about THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, see my SCOTTISH PRISONER FAQ page.
Jamie has a significant (if relatively brief) role in LORD JOHN AND THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE BLADE. And THE SCOTTISH PRISONER is told half from Jamie's point of view, half from Lord John's, so you get more than 200 pages of Jamie's point of view. Most of the other Lord John stories have at least a brief reference to John thinking about Jamie. But if you're new to the Lord John books, I would recommend starting with either BROTHERHOOD OF THE BLADE or SCOTTISH PRISONER.
All of the Lord John books and stories take place during the period when Jamie was at Helwater, in VOYAGER.
Just keep in mind that the German translator, Barbara Schnell, doesn't get to pick the titles! I hope you'll find that her translation of the book itself is faithful to the original.
Any idea when the audiobook will be available to Australia?