OUTLANDER Photo Contest update!

[UPDATE 9/16/2012 4:30 pm: The contest is over. Many thanks to those of you who sent in photos! To see the winners, as well as the rest of the contest photos, look here.]
This is the final week to send in your entries for the OUTLANDER Photo Contest! The deadline for entries is midnight Eastern Time on Saturday, September 15, 2012.
If you've been procrastinating, time is running out! I hope those of you who've promised me that you're planning to send in photos will do so this week. <g>
I've received 64 entries so far. Thanks to all of you who've sent in your photos! I think they're terrific, and I can't wait to share the whole collection with Diana and the rest of you
The contest rules are here. All you have to do is email me a photo with one or more of Diana Gabaldon's books visible in it, and you could win an autographed copy of the OUTLANDER 20th Anniversary Edition, THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, or the upcoming story collection, A TRAIL OF FIRE.
Please send your contest photos to contact@outlandishobservations.com, with the subject line "OUTLANDER Photo Contest". Be sure to let me know if it's OK to share your photo online as part of the collection, after the contest is over. Thanks!
I've been wondering about the animal, Gustav, which is a part of your quiz. I couldn't remember an animal of that name so I did a "look inside" search of the seven big books at amazon. No luck. Could you enlighten me? And thanks for the interesting quizzes you host each month.
Gustav the dachshund appears in LORD JOHN AND THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE BLADE. Also see my Friday Fun Facts post from 8/31. :-)
Hope this helps.