Two more weeks!

[UPDATE 9/16/2012 4:30 pm: The contest is over.Many thanks to those of you who sent in photos! To see the winners, as well as the rest of the contest photos, look here.]

Just two more weeks left to send in your entries for the OUTLANDER Photo Contest! I've received 48 entries so far, and it's shaping up to be a great collection.  I can't wait to share it with Diana and all of you.

The contest rules are here. All you have to do is email me a photo with one or more of Diana Gabaldon's books visible in it, and you could win an autographed copy of the OUTLANDER 20th Anniversary Edition, THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, or the upcoming story collection, A TRAIL OF FIRE.

I'm really enjoying the photos that people have sent in so far. Keep 'em coming, please! The deadline for entries is midnight Eastern Time on September 15, 2012.


carrie said...

Hi! I am trying to send a photo in but it wont show me the email address! Please could you help me :) thank you :)

Karen Henry said...


Please email your photo to



Karen Henry said...

And don't forget to put "OUTLANDER Photo Contest" in the subject line, and let me know if it's OK to share your photo online when the contest is over. Thanks.


Karen Henry said...

Total is up to 53 entries now. Thanks, and keep the photos coming! :-)


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