Help celebrate Graham McTavish and Richard Rankin's birthdays on Monday!

Graham McTavish (who plays Dougal in the OUTLANDER TV series) and Richard Rankin (who was recently cast as Roger Wakefield) will both be celebrating birthdays on Monday, January 4.
If you're on Twitter, please join us in tagging your tweets with #HappyBdayGraham or #HappyBdayRichard on Monday. If you want to send birthday wishes directly to them, their Twitter ids are @GrahamMcTavish and @RikRankin.
And if you're not on Twitter, you can still help celebrate! Many OUTLANDER fan-sites and Facebook groups will be joining in the festivities. <g>
If you wish, you can make a donation to the actors' favorite charities in honor of their birthdays:
MacMillan Cancer Support (Richard Rankin)
Action for Children (Graham McTavish)
Hope you'll join us on Monday! It should be fun. <g> Please spread the word to any other OUTLANDER fans you may know.