January poll results
- 28.30% - Brianna Randall
- 10.76% - Roger Wakefield
- 10.26% - Fergus
- 6.65% - Master Raymond
- 3.97% - 16-year-old William Grey
- 2.92% - Mother Hildegarde
- 0.73% - Comte St. Germain
- 0.27% - Alex Randall
- 0.27% - Lord Lovat, aka the "Old Fox"
- 0.27% - Bouton
- 0.14% - Mary Hawkins
- 0.14% - Charles Stuart
- 0.05% - King Louis XV
- 34.5% - All of the above
- 0.50% - I haven't read DRAGONFLY IN AMBER, so I don't know any of these characters yet.
- 0.27% - Other
- fiona
- Most of the above.
- Always interesting to compare the actors with the characters they represent.
- All of the above. Such a fantastic show. Season 2 can't come soon enough.
- Roger AND Brianna together
- Jamie's grandfather and Brianna Fraser
Please take a moment to vote in the February poll, which asks the question, "Do you read excerpts or #DailyLines from Diana Gabaldon's upcoming books or stories?"
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