Here are the results of the July poll, which asked the question, "What is your favorite closing line from the OUTLANDER books?"
- 53.28% - "When the day shall come, that we do part....if my last words are not 'I love you'--ye'll ken it was because I didna have time." (THE FIERY CROSS)
- 18.06% - "He meant to die on Culloden Field," Roger whispered. "But he didn't." (DRAGONFLY IN AMBER)
- 16.65% - Then I was flying down the hill, with Jamie just before me, arms flung wide, the two of us flying together on that same wind. (WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD)
- 3.43% - And the world was all around us, new with possibility. (OUTLANDER)
- 3.43% - "And this is Claire," he said. "My wife." (VOYAGER)
- 2.93% - "Go down," she said, "and tell them the MacKenzies are here." (DRUMS OF AUTUMN)
- 1.21% - "And sleep at thy feet," Ian whispered, and gathered her in with his one good arm, both of them blazing bright as day. (AN ECHO IN THE BONE)
- 0.1% - "After all, they're all dead, aren't they?" (A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES)
- 0.91% - Other
Here are the responses for "Other":
- The one I have read most recently, because there is more to come!
- all
- All
- I'm torn between DIA and Voyager
- This is like asking me which child I love best! Ack!
- The Fiery Cross & Written in My Own Heart's Blood
- All of them, I cannot choose.
- All of them. I can't choose just one!
- all
There were 991 votes in this month's poll. Thanks very much to everyone who participated! Please take a moment to vote in the August poll, which is all about your favorite episode of OUTLANDER Season 2. Thanks!
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