"Fogmeister", a new story by Diana Gabaldon, will be out Oct. 18!

And now for Something Completely Different....
I just found out that Diana Gabaldon has a new story coming out on Tuesday, October 18, as part of an anthology (a collection of stories by many different authors) called THE HIGHWAY KIND, edited by Patrick Millikin.
The story is titled "Fogmeister", and all I know about it is this description from the Poisoned Pen bookstore:
Diana's story, "Fogmeister" is set in 1938 Germany and is based upon the mystery behind a real life autobahn crash. The protagonist is none other than< Dr Ferdinand Porsche and is a thrill ride of a story, based on real history. Diana credits her husband Doug Watkins for the idea and technical knowledge.
I admit to being rather astounded that this book is coming out next week (!) and I haven't heard anything at all about it. I have asked Diana Gabaldon for more information about this story.
UPDATE 10/15/2016 4:08 pm: Here's Diana's response on Compuserve. Among other things, she says,
"Fogmeister" was really interesting--it's not like anything else I've ever written. It's a fictionalized historical narrative, in that all the characters and all of the (known) facts are from the primary sources of the time.
You can see a brief excerpt from this story here.
THE HIGHWAY KIND will be available in paperback and e-book formats. You can pre-order here:
Barnes & Noble
If you want an autographed copy of THE HIGHWAY KIND, you can order from the Poisoned Pen. This is Diana Gabaldon's local independent bookstore in Arizona. The staff is very helpful, and they ship all over the world.