BEES is here at last!!

to Diana Gabaldon on the publication of GO TELL THE BEES THAT I AM GONE, the long-awaited ninth book in the OUTLANDER series!
BEES is an immensely entertaining, suspenseful, funny, emotionally intense, occasionally terrifying, non-stop roller-coaster ride of a book, and I enjoyed it TREMENDOUSLY!! <vbg>
I was thrilled to see my name mentioned in the Acknowledgments at the end of the book.

"Lo, these many years" made me laugh. This week marks 15 years since I first found OUTLANDER, and I've been "herding the bumblebees" on (Diana Gabaldon's longtime online hangout) for more than 13 years now. As for "Eyeball-Numbing Nitpickery", I'm delighted that I was able to help!
Diana was generous enough to send me a copy of the book with a personalized inscription.

It reads:
For Karen, a good friend and the HUGEST help ever!!!
Thanks so much for all your comments!
Love, Diana
The triple exclamation marks are very unusual for her, an indication of how much she really means that. And the "comments" she's referring to are my comments on the manuscript of BEES, which she was kind enough to let me review before it was published. What a lovely, heartfelt message! Thank you, Diana!! I will treasure this.
I'm just delighted by the amazing coincidence that this book is being published on my birthday, November 23! I really couldn't ask for a better gift.
I hope all of you enjoy this book as much as I have. Happy reading, everyone!!
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I'm really glad Diana had you read her manuscript. I commented some time ago that I felt you had the perfect memory for continuity, having delved so many times into each book in the series. Just bought my copy on Kindle. My many years reading the series now requires a larger font. Thank goodness for Kindle - easier than taking a magnifying glass to Diana's latest escape.