Here are the results of the June poll, which asked the question, "What is your favorite opening line from the OUTLANDER books?"
- 52.14% - "He was dead." (VOYAGER)
- 17.93% - "It wasn't a very likely place for disappearances, at least at first glance." (OUTLANDER)
- 11.52% - "I woke to the patter of rain on canvas, with the feel of my first husband's kiss on my lips." (THE FIERY CROSS)
- 2.61% - "Roger Wakefield stood in the center of the room, feeling surrounded." (DRAGONFLY IN AMBER)
- 7.48% - "I heard the drums long before they came in sight." (DRUMS OF AUTUMN)
- 1.43% - "The pirate's head had disappeared." (AN ECHO IN THE BONE)
- 1.07% - "The dog sensed them first." (A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES)
- 5.23% - "Ian Murray stood with a stone in his hand, eyeing the ground he'd chosen." (WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD)
- 0.59% - Other
Here are the results for "Other":
- All of them
- It was so cold out, he thought his cock might break off in his hand - if he coul
- ALL OF THEM! Equally.
- It was so cold out, he thought his cock might break off etc. Scottish Prisoner
- All of the above. Getting Herself's new book was excellent.
There were 842 votes in this month's poll. Thanks very much to everyone who participated! Please take a moment to vote in the July poll, which is all about your favorite CLOSING lines in the OUTLANDER books. Thanks!
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