Could this be Castle Leoch?

Could this be Castle Leoch?
There have been some rumors going around in the last several days about whether Doune Castle in Scotland (pictured above; photo by Misterzeee, on Flickr) might be used as the location for filming the Castle Leoch scenes in the OUTLANDER TV series.
As far as I know, no one has confirmed this, but according to this site, Doune Castle will be closed to the public until November 22. That seems about right, considering that filming on the TV series is now underway, and there will no doubt be a great many scenes shot inside and around the castle.
Here are some photos of the castle. It certainly looks very much like the way I've always pictured Castle Leoch!
Diana Gabaldon commented today on Compuserve that she suggested Castle Leod (the home of the head of Clan MacKenzie) to the production team, but they rejected the location for a variety of reasons.
So, Doune Castle might be the place, or it might not. I'm only speculating, but it seems like a good possibility!
Have any of you been to Doune Castle?
I have been there & taken the audio tour. It is narrated by a M.P. actor & has many references to the Holy Grail movie.