September poll results
- 33.49% - Of course, if Jamie Fraser was waiting for me!
- 21.94% - Maybe for a short visit, but not to live there permanently.
- 10.74% - Yes! I'd love to see the 18th century.
- 8.31% - Yes, but I'd have to bring some essential items with me.
- 5.43% - No, I couldn't leave my family and friends here.
- 5.43% - No. I like reading about it, but I have no desire to time-travel myself.
- 3.35% - No, I wouldn't survive in an earlier time.
- 2.89% - I'm not sure.
- 1.73% - No, it took a lot of hard work to live in the 18th century.
- 1.61% - No, I'd miss the conveniences of modern life too much.
- 1.04% - No, it sounds too dangerous.
- 0.92% - I don't believe time-travel is possible.
- 3.12% - Other
- I would love to experience another time period, but hate to leave my family.
- yes, I've always wanted to time travel, I'd be good at it!
- If I could take my husband with me
- Only if I knew I could come back
- I believe that I would. I love the history of that period.
- Yes, if I had the option to return to the present day at any time.
- Would love the adventure but must take my kids!
- If I was a wee bit younger. I am now too old to be of much use.
- All of the above!
- When I was younger, Yes. Now, in my 50's with certain health issues, No.
- As long as I could come back when I wanted.
- My tattoos would cause me trouble I think lol
- I'd love to as a "vacation" with my DH! I think he'd like it too!
- I couldn't live in a time where women were possessions.
- In a heart beat and never look back !
- only by the same way Claire did..
- yes if I could bring my kids with me
- If I had a specific time and place and people I could accurately get to.
- For sure, as long as, like Claire, I could return also.
- Only if I was named Claire and a plucky doctor!
- No, I couldn't leave my children even for Jamie Fraser!
- health issues would prevent it but otherwise yes!
- Not sure what the experience would be for an immigrant from the Carribean.
- To the future maybe, but not the past.
- Yes, but I'd rather go forward than backward!
- Of course if I had Young Ian and Rollo waiting for me.
- Can I include not surviving in earlier time to missing family and conveniences?
Please take a moment to vote in the October poll, which is all about getting other people to read the books.
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