October poll results
- 25.46% - I got one or more of my close friends or family members addicted.
- 23.63% - Many times!
- 9.66% - Of course! I enjoy being an OUTLANDER ambassador.
- 8.75% - I've given copies of OUTLANDER to my friends or coworkers.
- 3.00% - I've recommended OUTLANDER to strangers in the bookstore or library.
- 3.00% - I've recommended the books on Facebook, Goodreads, or other online sites.
- 0.78% - I got my book club to read OUTLANDER.
- 0.39% - I won a box of OUTLANDER paperbacks from Random House, and had fun distributing them to other people.
- 14.36% - All of the above.
- 6.66% - I've tried, but so far without success.
- 1.44% - No, I haven't tried.
- 2.87% - Other
- ALMOST All of the above! Often recommend the books to friends/fam/strangers, etc
- all the above answer except for winning any books
- Well, a combination of a few of these!
- All but the book club one.
- My sister said she doesn't care for red headed men. SHE'S CRAZY!!!!
- yes to 1,2,3,5,8
- Several friends read Outlander but then weren't interested in ready the others
- wanted to, but hesitated over the Black Jack rape stuff.....
- Yes, I had an Outlander party and gave everyone a book in their party bag
- All but number 7
- made whoe-hearted converts of two co-workers, working on others
- #2, 5 & 6
- Most people I tell have already read and loved them.
- I succeeded in getting my cousin to read them, but so far no one else.
- I have gotten my Sister, Niece and a few girlfriends reading the series :)
- 22 friends, coworkers, former strangers into the books. Best stress reducers !!
- Recommended to friends, family and strangers in varoous places.
- The first 3 options all apply, along with recommending them on Facebook.
- All the time for my job - also getting word out for the SHOW!
- MOST of the above.
- My exhusband read Outlander and half of Dragonfly...but that was a long time ago
- When I can I've bought Outlander in bulk on ebay for distribution
Please take a moment to vote in the November poll, which is all about which of Diana Gabaldon's books you are currently reading or listening to. Thanks!
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